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The Sarasota and Suncoast Audiophile Societies are hosting a free public listening session

Saturday, January 14, 1-5pm: The Sarasota and Suncoast Audiophile Societies are jointly hosting a free public listening session with Florida retailer à la carte productions featuring the latest products from Canton Loudspeakers, AVM Electronics, Weiss Engineering, Dynamic Sounds Associates and Luminous Audio Technology. Jay Rein of North American audio distributor Bluebird Music and Douglas Hurlburt of Dynamic Sounds Associates will be on hand.

Attendees will also get to enter to win audio-related door prizes.

Location: Shadow Brook Community Clubhouse, 3860 63rd Street East, Palmetto, FL 34221, between Sarasota and Tampa. 

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Sarasota/Suncoast members can RSVP via their respective Meetup.com websites. 

Non-Members must RSVP directly with à la carte productions – [email protected] or 386-338-3500.