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Audio Industry Veteran Walter Schofield Establishes Nexus Audio Technologies

Nexus to Manage Select Group of Independent, Top-Shelf Audio Designers and Manufacturers

BOSTON, MA, February 1, 2023 – In a move intended to both build awareness of the high-end audio category and open doors for select, specialty brands that offer best-in-class performance, audio industry veteran Walter Schofield today announced the establishment of a U.S.-based sales and marketing company, Nexus Audio Technologies.

The new company capitalizes on Mr. Schofield’s deep experience working on behalf of audio designers and manufacturers who represent the best of what the market has to offer. Mr. Schofield, who serves as Nexus Audio’s President, created the company to bring audiophile-grade, exquisitely designed speakers and electronics to high-net-worth consumers ready to invest in whatever it takes to satisfy their passion for music and home theatre systems.

"I established Nexus after decades of growing companies in the traditional audiophile and Luxury lifestyle channels,” says Mr. Schofield. “With multiple brands seeking representation for growing awareness, market penetration, and sales in North America, Nexus Audio Technologies is focused on supporting manufacturers with exemplary staff, ultimate product performance and highly differentiated marketing initiatives that add up to a uniquely strong business proposition for A/V Dealer Partners throughout North America.”

Beginning this month, Nexus Audio Technologies will represent four audio companies in the role of North American Brand Manager. The inaugural Nexus partner list includes:

In his role as North American Brand Manager, Mr. Schofield will oversee sales and marketing programs for all four brands in the U.S. And Canada, including all aspects of press relations, materials development, social media, and more. To that end, Nexus is partnering with Sohmer Associates, LLC, a boutique public relations/marketing communications agency based in NYC.

Agency Founder and President Adam Sohmer boasts over 30 years of working with consumer and professional electronics companies of every size, including Alta Audio, Sony, Panasonic, Marantz, NHT, Rockford Fosgate, Polk Audio, HIFIMAN Electronics, and many others.

Adds Mr. Schofield: “I will work closely with my brand partners, but my most important partners are dealers and distributors. I rely on them for feedback and recommendations, and in return, I commit to providing them with the highest level of customer service in the high-end market.”

For further information, visit https://www.nexusaudtech.com or call (+1) 781-775-5650.

Walter Schofield, President, Nexus Audio Technologies, LLC

Adam Sohmer, President, Sohmer Associates, LLC