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Audio Research – From the Office of Our CEO: A Message from Valerio Cora


Maple Grove, MN: Audio Research gains ground as new ownership makes strides toward addressing customer questions about what, if anything, will be changing at ARC.

First, existing and future customers should be aware that all Audio Research warranties – past, present, and future – remain intact and will be honored.

Second, Audio Research has a stable and abundant supply of vacuum tubes for both newly-produced equipment and existing equipment in need of replacements.

Third, Audio Research will begin disseminating this information through social media and on its website as they process feedback from the community on any points of confusion.

From CEO Valerio Cora: “When a new company assumes ownership of an established, beloved brand like Audio Research, long-time supporters naturally have questions and concerns. Now that the business of the acquisition is complete, we want people to know that Audio Research is stronger and better than ever. Through transparency and communication, it is now our intention to address any customer concerns as the Maple Grove, Minnesota team continues its good work of designing and manufacturing some of the best tube gear on the planet.”

Audio Research was founded in Minneapolis in 1970, and will remain in its Maple Grove, Minnesota facility where it designs, builds, and supports the hand-made products that have established it as the preeminent manufacturer of vacuum-tube audio electronics.

For any questions, please reach out to Dave Gordon at [email protected].