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Hana Umami Blue introduction

The HANA-Umami Blue high-end moving coil cartridge from Excel Sound’s Master cartridge designer Maseo Okada-san uses special materials, classic Japanese techniques, and modern audio engineering.

The HANA-Umami Blue cartridge follows in the Hana “Brilliant and Gorgeous” tradition of providing the listener with sublime enjoyment. Embodying the true sense of synergy, the HANA-Umami Blue combines the essential ingredients of the HANA-Umami Red with the ALNICO based generator of the HANA ML.

The HANA-Umami Blue incorporates the Auricle™ body design, unique and exclusive to our Umami series .CNC machined from Dur-aluminum, it uses a special Melamine Thermosetting Process (MTP), enameling the body with a brilliant blue glossy finish. Sharing other key Umami Red ingredients, including the precision-cut Micro-line diamond stylus, Boron cantilever, and high-purity copper wires, the Umami Blue synergizes these specialized parts with the ALNICO magnet-based generator used in the Hana ML.

Hana Umami Blue MC phono cartridge $2,500

•“Auricle” open-air body design machined from Dur-aluminum A7075
•MTP enameled finish with POM inlay
•Micro-line stylus with Boron cantilever
•ALNICO(aluminum / nickel / copper)magnet
•Cross-coilcorewithhigh purity copper coils
•8Ω Coil impedance with .4mV output
•Cryogenic treatment of key generator parts and output pins

Garth Leerer
Musical Surroundings Inc.
5662 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94609

510 547-5006
Cell 510 719-2601

[email protected]